spinach sandwich recipe

This sandwich, made from spinach, corn and cheese, is delicious as well as healthy. I made this sandwich from wheat bread. If you are a fond of cheese then you can also add a mozzarella cheese in it. I made this sandwich on the grill but if you do not have a grill then you can make it on the pan or sandwich toaster.
Spinach Sandwich
Spinach Sandwich


(For 4 sandwiches)

  • soft corn grains ½ cup
  • Baby spinach 100 grams
  • Paneer 100 grams
  • Onion 1 small
  • Green Chilli 1
  • cumin seed ½ teaspoon
  • Salt as per taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Lime juice 1 teaspoon
  • Oil 2 teaspoons
  • 8 slices of bread
  • To serve butter
  • Mosaeraela cheese ½ cup

recipe :

  1. Peel and wash the onion, and then cut it finely. Remove the stove of green chili and wash it well and cut it finely.
  2. Wash the cornstarch and keep it aside. Wash the spinach apart too.
  3. Pour the cheese well.
  4. Heat oil on medium flame in a pan. Now add cumin seeds and fry for a few seconds and then add chopped green chilies and onions and fry for about 1 minute or till onion becomes pink.
  5. Now add cornstarchs and cook for 2 minutes. I've used Frozen Sweet Corn, which is already a lot of alley. If your corn granules are tight, boil them separately.
  6. Now add spinach leaves and fry for one or two minutes. Now add mashed paneer salt and black pepper and mix all the ingredients well and then cook for some time. Now stop the heat.
  7. Now add lemon juice in it. Now the spraying of sandwich is ready.
  8. Take a slice of bread and mix the spinach on it. If you want, you can also add grated coconut cheese on it. Now cover the sandwich with a slice of second bread. Grill a bit on both sides and grill it.
  9. If you do not have a grill then you can make this sandwich on toaster or pan.
  10. Make similar sandwiches in the same way.

Spinach's grilled sandwich is now ready. If you like it, cut it in size and serve with Tomato Catchip.

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